Task: The aim of this assessment ¡s to select an issue and synthesis a Smart Computing solution that canbe scaled up to a large population using the various technologies and methodologies. The solutionsshould be based on what was discussed in this module. In addition, you also can use specifictechnologies discussed ¡n the previous two modules to enhance your solution. In this task, a student needs to first research on the 17 interconnected Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations to achieve by 2030. Using your own background andexperience, you must identify a problem in line with the SDGs. Even though, the 17 sustainabledevelopment goals are interconnected a student is only expected to focus on one sustainabledevelopment goal. Important aspect of this assignment is to demonstrate, in this digitally connected society, how youcan do things differently to achieve a desirable outcome. As information storage and processing are undergoing a phenomenal transformation, the world ofatoms is getting mirrored into bits using sensors and user input (participatory sensing). Digitaltechnologies with ubiquitous digital connectivity, mobiles devices with built in sensors and two-wayrich multimedia communication are changing the communication paradigm. This in turn creates anew Computing paradigm, where is possible to build new communities and create new businessmodels to effectively fulfil human needs. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can enhance outcomes at three levels: Activitylevel, Process level and System level. Sustainable Development goals cannot be achieved in isolationand needs system level thinking in building Smart Computing application to satisfy the human needsand build communities. The proposed solutions to such goals should make use of systems thinkingand be easily scalable to reach the billions of people. “Smart Computing Framework for Sustainable Development” is developed to achieve sustainabilityand accelerate the effort through multi-level coordination in the current digitally connected society.This framework shows a pathway to build solutions that needs systems thinking."
Subject Name: Information Technology
Level: Undergraduate
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