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What do you need in terms of non current asset

Decide a business which includes Name, Activity, Product ( Type of product e.g goods or services, local or international involvements)

2. Market a) targeted customer b) Revenues ( sources ( how many sources will make an inflow of cost) , your marketing plan ( how you will sell))

3.CAPEX ( capital cost) a)What do you need in terms of non current asset b) Depreciation

4.OPEX ( on going ) a)Budget (by month, quarter or by year ) b) Calculate at the end start up cost ( working capital) c)Budgeting revenues ( related to a) ) d) Definition of the unit that will be sold ( Calculate how many units will be sold in a year e.g. subscription, download transaction e) Selling process: Website or face to face f) Marketing ( individual group based power point or event e.g. event: number of people expected as visitors ( you will need to use a conversion ratio of 5% )) g) Closing time for deal h) Salaries to sell i) revenue stream 7) Distribute the revenue per quarter then by month 8) Meeting deadlines and amounts for customers and suppliers 9) differentiate between start up cost, ongoing and capital cost 10) Non current assets: the assets used for long term units 11) Current assets 12) Start up capital requirement The report should demonstrate the importance of accounting and budgeting process related to the business that you will select. ( you have the freedom to select a business provided that it relates to the UAE and please mention Khalifa Fund in the report for Marketing. 13) Cash required before starting the business 14) Budgeting ( Over the first five years ) * Refer to theoretical budgeting : "Khalifa Fund" Note : Please use 3 or 4 references

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