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Video presentation on DICKSMITH based on current annual report of the company


We need a video presentation on DICKSMITH based on current annual report of the company. we need to show our corporate

1- legitimacy, 2-conceptual frame work, 3-corporate social responsibility( environment of corporate and social) 4- 8 corporate principles ( rumination report) 5- most important thing is any scandal.. if is there any scandal in the company, what was the reason of that scandal, who were involved in the scandal, how corporate reacted to that scandal and what corporate did after that scandal.. also we need a critical analysis of annual report...for your information DICKSMITH is almost bank corrupt and closing down.. so you need to tell what was the reason behind this. Who was involved and how company reacted to this issue.. what are their future plan.. all these points.. this would be based on the current annual report.. we need to make a video presentation so you have to circle( highlight) that issues in the annual report.. that will show the problems or issue that company was facing.. for the presentation we need to make a slide show of the highlighted parts of report and also need short clips of news (video) from YouTube or whatever source is need to be attached.. we need some animated or real life pictures showing the nature of issue. like if there is any fraud or false report we need to add a picture showing a robbery or fraud... we have to make voice recording as well for that we need some professional dialogues so that we can make a voice record.... if you need more information please don't hesitate to ask me.

Assessment Type: Group report and presentation – combined group and individual assessment task. As Learning Outcome d) stipulates teamwork, this assessment must be done in groups of 4 students per group as advised by your tutor. Students are not permitted to refuse being part of a group. Purpose: This assessment is designed to allow students to research and analyze current social issues in accounting and evaluate their impact on various stakeholders. As a group assessment, it further develops students’ team working skills. This assessment relates to Learning Outcomes a, b, c and d. Value: Total value is 30% made up of 20% Group marks for report plus 10% individual marks for presentation. This assignment marks will be scaled to a mark out of 30 total subject marks. Due Date: 8.00pm Friday of Week 10 – ONE COPY OF THE GROUP REPORT ONLY PER GROUP uploaded to Moodle Link and Turnitin. Presentations will be in tutorial classes Weeks 10 – 12 as allocated by Week 5. You need to book your presentation times with your tutors. Make sure you book in early to avoid disappointment. Submission - Report: ONLY ONE student from each group must upload the group report submission to the Turnitin Assignment Link on the KOI Moodle Subject Home Page no later than 8.00 pm Monday of Week 10.

This is the submission due date and time. A printed copy should also be handed to the Tutor during that Week’s tutorial to assist with marking. All submissions must be accompanied by a signed KOI Group Assignment Coversheet ACC302 ACC302 ADVANCED ACCOUNTING T116 GH 15 FEB 2016-FINAL Page 10 of 13 *AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT PTY LTD ABN: 72 132 629 979 CRICOS 03171A Submission – Presentation: One student from each group must upload copy of the group presentation materials to computer storage as directed by the Lecturer no later than 8.00 pm Monday of Week 10. A retrievable and reusable electronic copy of the presentation material must be provided in a format to allow for the Tutor and Lecturer to review the presentation at a later date. All submissions must be accompanied by a signed KOI Group Assignment Coversheet Topic: Social Accountability in Accounting Task Details: Groups are to research one specific issue of their choice relating to accounting related social accountability (Topic 8, Chapter 9) that is prominent in today’s Australian business environment. As a result of their research groups need to develop a presentation detailing the issue, including examples, and explaining the implications for various stakeholders. The presentation should conclude with supported specific recommendations as to how organizations and their accounting advisors should proceed in light of the analysis. Research Students need to support their analysis with reference from the text and a Requirements: minimum of eight (8) suitable, reliable, current and academically acceptable sources – check with your tutor if unsure of the validity of sources. Groups seeking Credit or above grades should support their analysis with increased number of reference sources comparable to the grade they are seeking

Presentation: 15 minutes presentation per group. Each member of the group must present at least 2 minutes of the total presentation followed by 5 a minutes question and answer session from the audience. Marking Guide - Report: Analysis 30% Research – extent and application 30% Recommendations/conclusions 20% Presentation 20% This mark will be scaled to a mark out of 20 subject marks. we need a report as well.. that will be the summary of all research material and containing all references..

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