Task: Part One: Individual Essay Learning and Talent Development in practice is very much focused on two specific strategies: knowledge management and talent management. It is therefore important that practitioners are aware of the theory and critical issues surrounding these types of strategies. Choose either knowledge management or talent management, as discuss its conceptual and theoretical foundations as well as critical issues that practitioners should be aware of when implementing this type of strategy. You should draw upon relevant, up-to-date research, theory, and evidence to inform your answer. Part Two: Individual Report You are a Learning and Talent Development Consultant and your brief is to design a learning intervention based on a case brief provided or an organisation of your choice following the systematic training cycle. All elements of the systematic training cycle need to be considered. You need to pay close attention to any barriers that might impact this learning intervention and offer possible solutions to these. The report you provide is a “pitch” to the organisation’s senior management team. Case Brief 2: Technology Co Your L&TD team are part of a medium-sized technology company which has four offices – one in London, one in Paris, one in New York, and one in Dubai. Your team is based in London. It was set up five years ago and is establishing itself within each of its main hubs, with the London and New York hubs being very successful. However, over the last year the company’s major competitor has become more aggressive in the Middle East market. Given that Dubai is a growing area of business for your company, it is of paramount importance to ensure that the team in Dubai are in a strong place to grow the business within the increasingly competitive environment. You are very much aware that you need to implement an L&D intervention that strengthens the company’s ability to compete within the Middle East market. You have been told that you have to focus on utilising and developing the existing workforce and in enabling the sharing of expertise and knowledge from the more successful hubs. You also have been allocated some budget to cover the costs to recruit one additional external senior level person to supplement the core intervention if necessary. A decision needs to be made whether it would be preferable for this person to be sourced from the UK or Middle East. You therefore need to design an L&TD intervention that develops and utilises the current talent that the organisation has across its four hubs as well as attracts talent to strengthen the position of the Dubai hub.
Subject Name: Human resource management
Level: Undergraduate
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