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Skills in areas such as working with others, written communication, and accounting software usage

This assessment item relates to course learning outcomes 5 and 7 as stated in the Course Profile. This assessment will also help you to gain or improve your generic skills in areas such as working with others, written communication, and accounting software usage. Assessment task This assessment must be completed individually.

This assessment involves 3 steps. Please ensure that you complete all steps prior to submission. All steps must be submitted as one Word document file. Additionally, you are required to submit a backup copy of your MYOB file. Please note that there is a template available for the Word document portion of this assessment on Moodle. You are encouraged to use this template when completing this assessment. Time Management It is possible you will have other assignments due in Week 10. This will not be a reason to request an extension for this assignment. You need to manage your time so that all assessment is completed by the due dates.

Please note: NO EXTENSIONS on the assignment will be provided for a delay in book delivery of the Practice Set unless you can provide proof of purchase prior to Friday of Week 3, and you can provide proof that the delivery was not received until after Friday of Week 5.

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