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School of Accounting ACCT5027 Public Sector Accounting Semester 2018


School of Accounting ACCT5027 Public Sector Accounting Semester 2 2018 Assignment One – Individual Essay - Information Sheet Essay (20%) Due 28th August 2018 (Hardcopy submitted in class and uploaded through Turnitin on Blackboard) In an essay of approximately 300 words (+/- 5%), students are to answer the following: Additional Notes • In order to achieve a good grade, it is expected that you read more widely than the readings provided to you on Blackboard. In order to be obtain a highly proficient, a minimum of five good quality references need to be effectively incorporated into the essay. A good quality reference is defined as from an academic journal. Students need to ensure they discuss the points they think are the most important to ensure that the word limit is adhered to and not treat the subject question too lightly. The essay needs to be organised in a scholarly way, with sufficient critical thinking, application of examples and written communication skills demonstrated. A copy of the guideline rubric/marking guide is included in this document. Links to additional support for academic writing have been provided for you on Blackboard The Unit Co-ordinator will provide brief comments/feedback on draft essays during consultation times or by appointment. Submission Guidelines x A Curtin cover page is required. A hard copy is required to be submitted in class and a copy is to be uploaded onto the Turnitin Link on Blackboard The word limit of 300 words is exclusive of any end-of-text references. However, it does include in-text references. Students exceeding the word limit by more than 5% will be penalised up to 2 marks. Put your Student Name and Student ID in a header in the word document and include consecutive page numbers in the footer, so they appear on each page A consistent referencing style is required for in-text and end-text referencing. University policies and procedures for academic misconduct and plagiarism will be applied. A student guide for avoiding plagiarism can be found at There are a number of different theories that can be used to explain how accountability operates within the public sector. Explain which theory you think is the most appropriate for the Australian public sector. Your answer should include examples and references to support your conclusion. Page 1 of 2 Feedback on the completed assessment will be provided through a completed rubric and general feedback in one of the seminars. MARKING RUBRIC Max Marks Developing Proficiency Moderate Proficiency High Proficiency Appropriateness of language, communication style, syntax and grammar. 2 marks Numerous errors of grammar and syntax. Some errors of grammar and syntax. No errors of grammar and syntax. Structure of the Essay 1 mark Lack of structure, and does not flow. Essay mainly structured well, and generally flows. Essay is well structured with appropriate introduction, discussion and conclusion. It logically flows. Sufficient and quality references provided 2 marks Less than two quality references, or references are not integrated well into the essay. Three to four quality references, which are wekk integrated into the essay. Five or more quality references, which are appropriately integrated into the essay. Sufficient and quality examples provided 2 marks Little or inappropriate examples are provided. Some relevant examples are provided which are well integrates into the essay. Relevant examples are provided that are integrated well into the essay. Appropriate theories identified with sufficient understanding demonstrated. 2 marks Incorrect understanding of application of theoritical constructs. Some errors or slightness in understanding the application of theoritical constructs. Appropriate application of the theoritical constructs are demonstrated. Depth and quality of discussion 5 marks Arguments lack depth and quality. Arguments possess moderate depth and quality Arguments possess sufficient depth and quality. Analysis demonstrates critical thinking and is well supported 4 marks Little or no critical thinking is demonstrated Some critical thinking is demonstrated Critical thinking is demonstrated and the arguments flow. Conclusion provided that logically flows from the arguments 2 marks There is no conclusion A conclusion is provided but does not flow from the arguments. A conclusion is provided that flows from the arguments. Total 20 marks ENGLISH PROFICIENCY RUBRIC (for information purposes only – no marks allocated for this rubric) Low Proficiency Developing Proficiency Moderate Proficiency High Proficiency Sentence Structure • Sentence completeness • Sentence length • Phrase/clause order • Use of conjunctions • Word Order • Punctuation Word Use • Word choice • Word form • Use of concise expression • Verb tense/agreement • Spelling • Apostrophes Page 2 of 2

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