Task: Prepare a well-researched and detailed essay addressing the following points: 1: Define human resource management and discuss the responsibilities of the human resources department. 2: There are various acts of Parliament that affect human resource management. Identify and discuss two relevant acts that affect human resource management and how the acts influence the functions of the human resources department. 3: Explain why people behave differently in the work environment. 4: Differentiate between recruitment and selection. As an HR manager, you are task to recruit a public relations officer (PRO). Explain the steps involved in the recruitment and selection processes that you will follow to recruit and select the PRO for your organization. 5: Explain the purpose, principles and processes of effective performance appraisal. 6: Describe the principles and processes of conflict management. 7: Explain the principles and relevance of emotional intelligence for organizations.
Subject Name: Human resource management
Level: Postgraduate
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