Based on the regression result, from the intrinsic factors interest, ability, desire to run business in the future, and the need for dynamic and challenging environment has a significant positive impact on students' choice of accounting. From the extrinsic factors job opportunity, responsibility, and experience have a significant positive impact on students' choice of accounting. But social status has a significant negative effect on students' choice of accounting. According to the finding of this study on students’ perception toward the accounting profession following established rule and stress has a significant negative impact on students’ choice of accounting. Under other social factors families’ influences has a significant positive effect on students’ choice of accounting.
1- You are required to write a research paper (Report Format with appropriate headings) similar to that you have reviewed above but of a much smaller size (1200- 1800 words), in which you will review current literature (research) regarding the factors that encourage students to choose accounting as a course to study and later on as a career. In your Review of the Literature, you are expected to use other papers and NOT the paper provided earlier. (20%)
2- You are also required to review the literature (research) that highlighted the factors that impede students from choosing accounting as a field of study or as a career. In your Review of the Literature, you are expected to use other papers and NOT the paper provided earlier. (20%)
3- Your own opinion is vital and necessary as it will form the basis of the discussion that will take place. (20%)
4- Finally you will need to develop your own study choice theory, or career theory based on the data that you provided. The data that you are required to provide (requirement 3) is simply a list of all the factors that either encouraged you to study accounting, and other factors that have pushed you away from your previous (Bachelor degree) academic discipline or field of study. This is particularly important in the Masters in Professional Accounting program that is offered by Charles Darwin University, since students only with non-accounting background can enroll in this course. (20%). I strongly encourage you that to put your own developed theory into a diagram-graph with your data embraced in it.