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Provide relevant example of non financial indicators that are critical to an organisation continued


1.) Objective/Purpose of a perfomance measurement system(PMS) 2.) Featues of an effecive performance measurement system 3.) Demonstrate appreciation that a performance measurement should at be the basis at financial results 4.) Other key performance indicators (KPI) are also relevant to an organisation continued success 5.) Provide relevant example of non financial indicators that are critical to an organisation continued success 6.) Evaluate the impact on employee bahaviour when the performance measure are archivable and unarchievable 7.) Discussion of dysfunctional behaviours displayed by managers in the name of achieving targets 8.) Evaluation of cultural and societal factors influence a manager's reward and punishment decision when measuring the performance of employees 9.) PMS should be used both interatively and diagnostically to create dynamic tensions for the organisations in order to improve the organisation's performance Please follow the paper requirement other than requirement above.

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