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Population assignment: Accessibility to Healthcare in Australia

BAE Admin

Task Description: Assessment task three requires the preparation of a full project proposal that should not exceed3000 words excluding the cover page and reference list. Students need to address the following: Refined Problem Statement, Aim, Objectives and Scope- students need to provide adetailed statement of the problem you would like to investigate as well as aim andobjectives of the project within the scope of the study. Research Project Justification and Potential Outputs - students need to explain whyyour chosen project is important both theoretically and practically? What are the potentialoutputs and outcomes of your research? The Conceptual Framework - students need to provide an analysis of the literaturerelevant to the research project that leads to the development of a conceptual frameworkfor conducting the research. Methodology - based on the conceptual framework, research aim and research objectives,students need to provide a detailed description of the data collection methods, tools anddata sources that will be used to analyse the data. Research Project Organisation, Budget and Schedule - students need to present allcomponents of the research report by writing the names of the chapters/sections and brieflydiscussing what will be written in each of those chapters/sections followed by a briefdescription of the budget and project schedule. This is an individual research task. Students are required to demonstrate their understandingof the relevant body of work in a real-life business research context. We expect students to readand reflect on at least twenty recent refereed journal articles on your topic, supported by anyother evidence or information that can help refine the problem of your research, formulate aconceptual framework and develop the methods for data collection and analyses.

Subject Name: Health Care

Level: Postgraduate

If you want the solution to this assignment or want to discuss any other assignment or course you may contact us directly at or message us on Whatsapp or Viber at +91-9303607402 ( )


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