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Organizational culture and the design of an Accounting Information System influence one another


QUESTION 1: a) The value of information is the difference between the benefits realized from using that information and the costs of producing it. REQUIRED: Identify the situation that require organization produce information when expected costs exceeded its benefits. b) Organizational culture and the design of an Accounting Information System influence one another. REQUIRED: Describe the degree to which an innovative system developed by one company can be transferred to another company will imply on culture and design of Accounting Information System. QUESTION 2: a) Enterprise Risk Management—Integrated Framework (ERM) expands on the elements of the internal control integrated framework and provides an all-encompassing focus on the broader subject of enterprise risk management. The purpose is to achieve all the goals of the control framework. REQUIRED: Explain any FIVE (5) basic principles of Enterprise Risk management. b) A payroll service bureau maintains the payroll master data for each of its clients and process payroll for them. A Professional Employer Organization (PEO) not only processes payroll but also provides Human Resource Management (HRM) services such as employee benefit design and administration. REQUIRED: Describe why payroll service bureaus and Professional Employer Organizations (PEO) are especially attractive to small and midsized businesses QUESTION 3: a) Internal control is the process implemented by the board of directors, management, and those under their direction to provide reasonable assurance REQUIRED: Describe any FIVE (5) internal control objectives should be achieved by the organisation. b) Effective segregation of duties is sometimes not economically feasible in a small business. REQUIRED: Describe any THREE (3) internal control elements do you think can help compensate for the above threat. QUESTION 4: a) When a company converts from one system to another, many areas within the organization are affected. REQUIRED: Explain how conversion to a new system will affect the following areas, both individually and collectively. i) Employees ii) Data Storage iii) Operations iv) Policies and Procedures v) Physical Facilities b) In the early days of computers, it was difficult to buy software that met user needs. That is no longer the case. A Deloitte & Touche survey found that most chief information officers expect to replace their current systems with commercially available packages. Companies that buy large or complex systems send vendors a Request For Proposal (RFP), asking them to propose a system that meets their needs. REQUIRED: Explain why is a Request For Proposal (RFP) important and give any TWO (2) reasons for your answer. 1 1 1 1 MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 0 2 DocumentNotSpecified 7.8 磅 Normal 0

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