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Nature of the employer including the size of the organisation, its history, organizational structure


You must submit a career research report (via EASTS) which requires you to research and report on three (3) industries you are interested in. The report must discuss the following sections for each industry: Section 1: You are required to research three specific areas of employment in the industry in which you are interested in pursuing a career. Your research should be undertaken with respect to discussion of all aspects of the ‘field’ including the following: the nature of the work, the environment, the education, skills, training and personality traits required to be successful, average salaries, the labour market outlook, related positions and typical employers. Sources to use include: books, periodicals, newspapers, professional journals, trade journals and websites. Section 2: This section of the assignment requires you to research a specific employer in each ‘field’ you have researched in section 1. You are required to include the following in your report: the nature of the employer including the size of the organisation, its history, the organisational structure, its culture and/or mission, branches or subsidiaries, clients or customers, products or services, opportunities for promotion, etc. Most medium to large size organisations have this information on their web site, however you are encouraged to research information from other resources other than the organization itself

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