The assessment requirements are same for group or individual submissions. Please read carefully:
(a) Part 1:
The Written submission (10 marks) Using example of MTN_Group_Integrated_Report_2014 and peer reviewed academic literature as evidence comment upon John Flower (2014) assertive viewpoint that The International Integrated reporting Council (IIRC) is a story of failure. (2,000 - 2500 words including introduction, conclusion and references). You cannot simply repeat the information given in <IR> of MTN group. You must conclude to what extent the prediction of John Flower can be supported i.e. can you argue Flower’s prediction is baseless or reasonable based on substantial extended personal research and self-directed learning. Please explain your perspective fully. You are required to use peer-reviewed research to support your argument. You must visit the websites of MTN group, International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC).
(b) Part 2:
The presentation (10 marks) you are required to submit a video presentation based on part 1: The Written submission (5-6 minutes duration). It is highly recommended that you video your presentation. This is an opportunity to talk about the main points in your written assignment 2 and will assist you in enhancing your communication and presentation skills. Groups using voice over or narrated power point shall receive only minimum marks in presentation style and quality criterion. All the group members must participate in the presentation (It is not enough that one person is presenting and others are just standing in the background). Any video exceeding 6 minutes shall not qualify for selection of “Perfect video” purposes. The students who are willing to get their video considered for “perfect video” must provide a statement on the cover page. Sign the cover page, scan and upload it. No separate permissions to upload video will be requested if your video is selected for uploading.