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Mobile Technology Assignment: Impacts of Smartphones on Healthcare

BAE Admin

Task: Smart technologies are on the rise. There is a body of literature discussing the key benefits of Smart Technologies; however smart technologies also introduce many ethical issues. Digital Divide Access is a crucial component in the digital divide. It involves obstacles that exist even if all the other remaining indicators are in place. Such obstacles may include, but are not limited to, costs involved in acquiring the technologies, availability of free or low-cost facilities in the neighbourhood, the ability to travel to places where there are low-cost access points such as libraries and community centres, and having the capacity needed to utilize the technologies. These obstacles can broadly be grouped into five categories: geography, income, ethnicity, age, and education. [Source: Kizza J.M. History of Computing. In: Ethical and Social Issues in the Information Age, 2010, Texts in Computer Science. Springer, London] There has been a debate on the existence of the digital divide. What is your opinion? Is there one or not? Discuss. Is there anything like equal access to computing technology? In otherwise is it achievable in any society? Discuss. Technologies such as google glass and smart watches are coming into workplace. Given the intrusive natures of these technologies it is easy for employees to take video or photographs of other people at work and share it with others. What ethical issues arise from use of wearable technologies in workplace? Smart phones are being used by nurses for clinical communications and workflow in hospitals. Using smart phones to record patient data introduces ethical issues involving patient privacy. Identify what privacy risks arise in such a context and explain the risks in detail. Cyberbullying has been a significant issue globally over the past few years. Cyber-technology has exacerbated this problem due to proliferation of mobile applications in the marketplace. You receive notification from a third party through one of the Apps that you use inviting you to participate in an event. You are not sure how they received your details. Discuss what security issues arise due to sharing of too much personal information on social media Apps. As workers have changed their work habits from working 40 h a week in the workplace environment to sharing those 40 h between being at the workplace and commuting to the workplace, the 9-to-5 time schedule for the majority of workers has started to crumble, with many moving their work locales outside of the normal confines of time and space. Studies show that the largest number of workers doing their work outside their primary place of work do it in their homes. According to figures reported by Kraut, the percentage of home office workers or telecommuters in the total US work force by 1960 was 3%, but numbers have been on the rise ever since. Snizek, quoting a US Bureau of Statistics report, puts the percentage of the US total work force working at least 6-8 h per week telecommuting at 30% as of 1995. Discus how does technology affect the work environment today? [Source: Kizza J.M. History of Computing. In: Ethical and Social Issues in the Information Age, 2010, Texts in Computer Science. Springer, London]

Subject Name: Information Technology

Level: Undergraduate

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