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Mental Health Assignment Analysing Case Of Psychological Health & Disease

BAE Admin

Task: Mental Health Assignment Task: The Case of Donna Donna is a 52-year-old female who has presented for treatment. Donna is a short, stocky overweight woman with short grey curly hair. She has been married for 27 years in what she describes as a “companionable marriage” and has 2 children and 3 grandchildren. Donna reveals that she has arthritis in her knees and has recently been diagnosed with diabetes. Donna realises that exercise would be helpful for her weight, diabetes, mobility issues, and mood. However, she reports several barriers to becoming more physically active. Donna recently presented to emergency at her local hospital worried about excessive heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and sweating. She was worried she was going to die and was convinced she was experiencing a heart attack despite medical evaluations revealing normal physical exam findings. She acknowledges she is in terrible physical shape but reports fear that she may have another attack or that she has heart disease. She is worried about her weight but fears she will only make her pain and arthritis worse with activity. This concern has led to her taking time off work and avoiding exercise or other activity that could elevate her heart rate (i.e., driving, coffee). Her sleep quality has declined, as has her mood. She reports feeling constantly tense, and that this feeling can be “really bad” and is sometimes accompanied by episodes of dizziness and crying. She says she gets overwhelmed easily and finds it difficult to think clearly about everything she needs to get done. She worries that may not live to see her grandchildren grow up. Donna reports feeling “physically terrible”, that it hurts to walk, and that she is basically a couch potato. She has tried in the past to be more active and lose weight – and 15 years ago she lost 12 kilograms by “basically not eating”. But this weight loss was short-lived due to her tendency to binge eat and drink to avoid her emotions, and she put the weight back on, plus more. She says it hurts too much to walk on her treadmill, but that she can’t go swimming because she doesn’t want anyone to see her in her swimmers. She says when she considers walking into a fitness centre or pool, or even going for a walk around the block, she feels immense fear of embarrassment or humiliation. She says she conceals her worries about exercising or leaving the house by making up excuses or telling her husband she doesn’t feel like going out. Donna says she would like to become more active and better manage her health. Her fear of raising her heart rate and ending up in hospital or dead, embarrassing or hurting herself because of her weight and appearance, and her reluctance to leave the house are preventing her from doing this. Consider the above case study and to identify and describe the mental health concern, explain how the mental health concern may impact treatment, and describe the communication strategies you would use to effectively work with the client. Part 1: Identify and describe mental health condition Summary of case and presenting problem (approximately 200 words) Your assignment should begin with a brief introductory paragraph that (a) describes the client and (b) their presenting problem. When describing the client, provide a summary of the relevant demographic information of the client (e.g., gender, age, health status). When describing the presenting problem, include: A summary of the reasons the client has come for treatment An overview of the current key symptoms/issues, history of the problem (i.e., when the symptoms began), and the impact of these symptoms on the client’s functioning or well-being (i.e., impact on relationships/job/quality of life etc). When summarizing symptoms, DO NOT diagnose (i.e., state the client was “feeling anxious” or had “depressed mood” rather than declaring the client has “an anxiety disorder” or “major depressive disorder”). Description of mental health condition (approximately 300 words) Describe the identified mental health condition in relation to the following three aspects: Epidemiology – prevalence, aetiology, and prognosis Symptoms – outline the typical symptoms underlying the condition Impact – in relation to social, relationship, or occupational functioning You can discuss both diagnosed (i.e., major depressive disorder or generalised anxiety disorder) and non diagnosed (depressed mood or anxious mood) aspects of the mental health condition. Part 2: Identify client needs and develop an appropriate care plan Explanation of how the mental health condition may impact treatment (approximately 400 words) Explain how the mental health concern may impact your treatment approach, or what you would be trying to achieve with the client, in relation to: Compassion and empathy Establishing rapport Therapeutic alliance Do not provide a detailed treatment program for a specific musculoskeletal problem. Maintain the focus of the assignment on the mental health condition and broader treatment considerations and goals when working with a client with a mental health concern. Description of care plan and communication strategies used to manage client (approximately 600 words) Provide a care plan detailing the strategies you would use when communicating with, and managing treatment for, this client. The strategies you recommend must be evidence-based, and relevant to the personal details provided in the case study (e.g., active listening, non-verbal body language, open questioning etc). Each strategy and what it involves should be clearly described and a rationale given for how this strategy is relevant to the client. Include in your description a critical and thoughtful analysis of the potential advantages and disadvantages of each approach.

Subject Name: Health Care

Level: Undergraduate

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