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MBA-610 8-1 Small Group Discussion Workspace: Megamergers

MBA 610 Module Nine Presentation Guidelines and Rubric Prompt: In Module Eight, you researched and discussed megamergers, specifically the Bayer-Monsanto merger. In Module Nine, your group will create a presentation using PowerPoint (or another presentation software of your choice) that explains the specific legal and practical bases for your argument in support of or in opposition to the merger. When the project is completed, one member of your group must post your final presentation to the Module Nine Small Group Presentation discussion topic. The presentation must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. of your local time zone on Thursday of Module Nine. In response to the other classmates’ presentations, each student must comment individually on at least one other group’s presentation and articulate a legal counterargument to the group’s conclusion. In other words, if the group supports the merger, present legal precedent that could be used to defeat the merger. If the group opposes the merger, identify laws or cogent arguments that might support the merger. If you do not participate in the group presentation and discussion, you will receive a zero for this activity. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

  • Define megamergers and the legal criteria that must be satisfied in order for a merger to qualify as a megamerger.

  •  Compare and contrast the benefits and detriments of megamergers by describing potential impacts on the companies involved, consumers, other businesses, and the economy.

  •  Provide sound and rational bases upon which to conclude that megamergers should be either a generally accepted or generally discouraged business practice.

  •  Select a minimum of two scholarly resources to support the conclusion drawn.

  •  Individually respond to one other presentation and articulate a legal counterargument to the group’s conclusion. Use legal precedent to defeat the group’s conclusion or identify laws to support the conclusion.

This is a group activity. For more information on groups, please see About Group Work.

In Module Nine, you and your group will put together and submit a PowerPoint presentation (or other presentation format of your choice). This small group discussion helps prepare your group to complete the presentation.

Advocates of mergers contend that such deals foster efficiency, lower prices, and an improved economy. Critics argue that certain mergers create monopolies that crush competition and dangerously concentrate power in the hands of a few corporations.

Read the articles below on the Monsanto-Bayer merger and in your small groups, discuss whether your group wants to support or prevent the merger described in the articles. Conduct some of your own research as well. Then, discuss in the group the specific legal and practical bases for your argument in support or opposition to the merger.

  1. The Rising Monopoly of Monsanto-Bayer

  2. The $66 Billion Bayer-Monsanto Merger Just Got a Green Light—but Farmers Are Terrified

  3. Pros and Cons of Mergers

Note: This assignment spans two weeks. This discussion is not graded but is necessary to complete the assignment due in the next module. Groups will submit their completed presentation by Thursday of Module Nine. Review the Module Nine Presentation Guidelines and Rubric document.

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