1) The group is to meet on a regular basis, both within and outside of class. Brief details of these meetings should be recorded including date and time of meetings, who attended, and a short paragraph detailing what was discussed. This information is to be included in the appendix of your group report. 2) The group is required to use at least one form of groupware technology to assist in the sharing of information. For example: a discussion forum within Moodle, Facebook, Google Docs, Drop box, Trello or any other suitable form of groupware. A review of the groupware used (2-3 paragraphs) should be included in the appendix of your group report. 3) The group is required to redevelop the initial mind map that was developed for the annotated bibliography. The new mind map should take into account the readings of all of the group members. A copy of the final mind map is to be included in the final report. 4) The group is required to write a literature review on the topic that they have selected and should be structured according to the outline below. The report should read as if it was written by one person, ie the fonts, formatting and tone of voice of the writing should all be the same. In order to complete the report the following tasks are required to be undertaken: Each student is to write a 1000 to 1500 word literature review on their section of the mind map. This piece of writing may be based upon the reading undertaken to complete the annotated bibliography and/or on any extra resources that have been sourced. Each group member’s writing should be proof-read for use of reference material, typing, spelling and grammatical errors by another member of the group and the writing generally reviewed in a constructive manner. The review can take a number of forms including: A marked-up copy of the commentary with suggested changes to be made; and/or Two to three paragraphs indicating the suggested changes and improvements. A review done by each member of the group is to be include in the final report. Each student should revise their writing using the review provided by the group member. Note: only if the feedback is appropriate. The group should collate their final pieces of writing into a single report. Each individual literature review should have a heading indicating the topic and author. The group is to write an introduction and a conclusion for the report.
Subject Name: IT Management
Level: Postgraduate
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