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Information Technology Issues in electronic healthcare records

BAE Admin

blockquote { margin: 0;}blockquote p { padding: 15px; background: #eee; border-radius: 5px;font-weight:bold; }blockquote p::before { content: '\201C';}blockquote p::after { content: '\201D';} Greenway Medical Technologies: The Pace-Setting David of Electronic Health Records The above case study outlines the potential value offered by electronic healthcare records (EHR) but also raises a number of issues. The case material is comprehensive but, in essence, focuses on the improving the management of doctors’ offices through the application of information technology and systems. The requirement for this case study is to analyse the IT value issues of EHR so that a business case can be developed for management of a doctor’s practice. You are required to analyse the case material provided to you and produce a report to management with the title: The Business Case for Investing in EHR within a Doctor’s Practice. You should identify the issues in the case material that have relevance to a business case and produce a written report from the information available. To understand the issues associated with EHR you should not only rely on the information provided in the case study but also conduct your own research. EHR is very topical and there is much information available through the ECU e-library. A sample journal article relevant to the topic titled “Information Technology Issues in Healthcare: Hospital CEO and CIO Perspectives” is provided with the case material. You must also consider the ethical and social implications of the implementation of such as system.

Subject Name: Information Technology

Level: Undergraduate

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