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IHP 510 7-1 Discussion: Bringing Together the Five Ps of Healthcare Marketing

For this discussion, you will reflect on what you have learned in this course about the Five Ps of healthcare marketing (physicians, patients, payers, the public, and politics) and discuss how you are applying specific elements of two of the Five Ps to your final healthcare marketing and communication plan.

To begin, review the module resources and reflect on all that you have learned about the Five Ps of healthcare marketing in this course. Refer to the marketing strategies you learned about in Module Four (Physicians and Patients) and in Module Five (Payers and the Public) as well as the healthcare marketing strategies related to a consideration of Politics from this module.

Next, in your initial post, address the following:

  1. Briefly describe your proposed service for Bellevue Hospital.

  2. Select two of the Five Ps and explain how the specific elements apply to your final healthcare marketing and communication plan.

In your response posts, provide suggestions for how students might address the other Five Ps in their plan. Do healthcare organizations need to focus on all Five Ps in all of its marketing efforts? Support your post and responses by referencing the course resources and tasks, the textbooks, and other course materials.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.

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