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Human Resource Management Assignment: Interview Questions For Fast And Furious Tech

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s numbering from 13 to 16 are entirely about the elements that help the applicants to remain passionate, productive as well as committed towards the jobs that they are assigned for. These questions to judge the applicant’s motivational fit can be justified with the theory as the theory an individual has certain factors that need to be met with in order to get optimal performance out of the same. Conclusion The report on human resource management assignment provide proper insights on the significant questions and interrogatives that are required to be asked to the individuals applying for the role of marketing, sales and customer service employees in the Fast and Furious Tech business enterprise. The questions are also justified in the later section with the orientation of suitable HRM theories and concepts that have already found its momentum in the practical as well as the corporate world. Reference List Blumberg, M., & Pringle, C. D. (1982). The missing opportunity in organizational research: Some implications for a theory of work performance. Academy of Management Review, 7(4), 560-569. Furnham, A. (2017). The Contribution of Others’ Methods in Recruitment and Selection. The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Recruitment, Selection and Employee Retention, 202. Hewett, R., Shantz, A., Mundy, J., & Alfes, K. (2018). Attribution theories in human resource management research: A review and research agenda. Human resource management assignment The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(1), 87-126. Holm, A. B., & Haahr, L. (2019). 11 e-Recruitment and selection. e-HRM: Digital Approaches, Directions & Applications. Keegan, A., Bitterling, I., Sylva, H., & Hoeksema, L. (2018). Organizing the HRM function: Responses to paradoxes, variety, and dynamism. Human Resource Management, 57(5), 1111-1126. Responses_to_paradoxes_variety_and_dynamism/links/5a9eaf82aca2728cf283f599/Organizing-the-HRM-function-Responses-to-paradoxes-variety-and-dynamism.pdf Koster, F. (2019). Innovative HRM. A review of the literature. Journal of technology management & innovation, 14(2), 97-106. Mariappanadar, S. (2019). Sustainable HRM theories: Simultaneous benefits for organisations and stakeholders. Sustainable Human Resource Management: Strategies, Practices and Challenges, 104.https://QBAJ&,+S.+(2019). +Sustainable+HRM+theories:+Simultaneous+benefits+for+organisations+and+stakeholders .+Sustainable+Human+Resource+Management:+Strategies, Mayrhofer, W., Gooderham, P. N., & Brewster, C. (2019). Context and HRM: theory, evidence, and proposals. International Studies of Management & Organization, 49(4), 355-371. Peltonen, T., & Vaara, E. (2018). Critical approaches to comparative HRM. In Handbook of research on comparative human resource management. Human resource management assignment Edward Elgar Publishing. Viitala, R., Vesalainen, J., & Uotila, T. P. (2020). SME managers’ causal beliefs on HRM as success factor of the firm. Journal of Small Business Management, 1-25.

Subject Name: Human resource management

Level: Postgraduate

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