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HIS 270 1-1 Discussion: Merchant

First, introduce yourself to your classmates (name, major, program status, location, etc.) and also offer your thoughts and expectations regarding this course.

Then, Ramón Gutiérrez indicates that, like all peoples, Native Americans understood their place in the natural world as defined by a creation myth. Europeans too operated from a creation myth, one rooted in the Judeo-Christian scriptural tradition.

Using the notion of a creation myth as a starting point, address the following questions in your initial post:

  1. How did Native Americans and Europeans each view the land before them?

  2. How did their mindset shape the way they chose to interact with the land?

  3. What were the consequences of the shift from a dominant Native interaction with the landscape to a dominant European interaction with the landscape?

Relate your initial post to this week's readings and resources.

When responding to your peers, discuss the role of race in the European view of Native interactions with the land.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.

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