Task: Infection Control Scenario:You are working in an Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Department that has a reputation for being 'a difficult culture'. Staff does not seem to stay long, and those that do, have a reputation for being overly critical towards new people. This department has had difficulty recruiting senior experienced IPC staff, and management have recently decided to second staff from elsewhere in the organization. Over the past two months errors and increasing reports of bullying between staff have started to become a trend. Sick leave rates for staff are double the benchmark average. The management team that has been there for the past 10 years are transitioning to retirement over the next 18 months. The CNC covers more than one unit. It is influenza vaccination season and the campaign for staff Fluvax should be launching now but it has not yet commenced. Read the above case scenario and write a healthcare essay examining the scenario for potential issues that could be linked to leadership practices or organizational governance issues (i.e. escalation, policy/procedure issues, and risk management).
Subject Name: Health Care
Level: Undergraduate
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