Task: Healthcare Assignment Task: You are a nutritionist working in the field of endocrine-related metabolic diseases, and have been asked to provide a brief review on healthcare assignment (1250 words maximum) on the efficacy of very low carbohydrate diets for the management of people who suffer from type 2 diabetes. The review is intended for a monthly journal publication aimed at a non-specific health professional readership. In particular, you have been asked to focus on some key points in your review: Discuss key impairments that are characteristic in the altered glucose metabolism of people with type 2 diabetes. As a result of these impairments, describe the expected differences in post-prandial metabolism of a given load of digestible carbohydrates in people with type 2 diabetes compared with healthy, non-diabetic individuals. Discuss how a very low carbohydrate diet might alter glucose-related metabolic pathways in the body compared with a diet much higher in carbohydrate content. In your answer you should describe endocrine effects, glycaemia effects, and alterations in pathways of energy metabolism. Briefly critique the evidence available that has investigated the efficacy of very low carbohydrate diets in improving glucose control in people with type 2 diabetes. Briefly summarize your key findings. Based on your metabolic knowledge about type 2 diabetes, effects of very low carbohydrate diets, and the strength of the current evidence available, provide some recommendations and/or perspectives in relation to use of very low carbohydrate for the management of type 2 diabetes.
Subject Name: Health Care
Level: Diploma
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