Task: Health Care Assignment Instructions: Select “any two short answer case vignettes “For each of your chosen case vignettes produce: - An evidence-based nutritional and lifestyle intervention that briefly considers aetiology, progression of the health issue or condition and includes two or three evidence based Nutritional Therapy recommendations. - Then provide a rationale to justify of your recommendations that critically evaluate underpinning evidence and illustrates and understanding of the role of the Nutritional therapy practitioner and recognition of boundaries and scope of practice. Case Vignette 1: Kai Kai is an active six years old who enjoys school and playing outside. He has eczema, affecting his hands, wrists, knees, neck and face as well as other parts of his body which is treated with aqueous creams from the GP. When it flares the GP has advised his parents apply a hydrocortisone steroid cream sparingly. Kai was born by C section and he was quite poorly as a baby with suspected sepsis and treated with an antibiotic called gentamicin. His mum tried to breast feed him for six months, but found it very difficult and did use some formula milk as well, in a combined feeding pattern. As a baby, before weaning Kai suffered from reflux which was treated with Omeprazole and Gaviscon powder for infants. This improved once Kai started on solid foods, but the eczema started around this time. Kai has normal height and weight and is an active boy but he found his eczema itchy and sore. He has been a fussy eater since he was a toddler, and is not keen on vegetables apart from broccoli and vegetable soup that his mum makes (this contains celery, onion, carrot, cauliflower, courgette, garlic and potato).His mum has tried other variations but he will not eat it and particularly doesn’t like it if it is too green or too orange. He will eat fish fingers, sausages, ham and eggs but is not keen on poultry or other red meat. His favourite fruit is banana; generally refuses all other fruits but will drink smoothies and juice. Case Vignette 2: Jill Jill is 47 and suffering from frequent insomnia where she wakes around 4am and can’t get back to sleep and also experiencing low mood and some anxiety. For the last six months she has had irregular, scant periods. Her BMI is 26.5 and she is concerned she is gaining more weight loss around the middle but principally wants to support her main symptoms listed above. Jill has been vegetarian for twenty years and wishes to remain so but feels she eats a balanced diet as she has her 5 fruits and vegetables a day. She doesn’t smoke and only drinks a few glasses of red wine weekly. She walks her dog twice a day but can work long hours meaning often in winter she doesn’t see much daylight. Case Vignette 3: Charlie Charlie is 35 years old and he and his partner have been trying for a baby for 2 years. His partner has had two early miscarriages before 12 weeks of pregnancy. Tests have revealed he has a lower than normal sperm count and problems with his sperm morphology, whilst his partner’s results are all normal. Charlie doesn’t drink more than ten units of alcohol a week and tries to eat a healthy diet including poultry and fish (but he avoids all red meat), he doesn’t like fruit very much. His BMI is now 24 (he has lost 6kg over the last six months). He is a lorry driver so spends long periods sitting behind the steering wheel, and he can be away from home for a few days at a time and has to eat out in service stations etc. He tries to get out for a game of football at the weekend and he doesn’t smoke.
Subject Name: Health Care
Level: Undergraduate
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