Task: Instructions for Health Care Assignment The review of evidence requires you to review the video of a cardiac arrest scenario from several years ago. The guidelines for management of cardiac arrest have changed in the intervening period. The BLS/ ALS video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElLTHbslJZcYou need to analyse the video and identify practices that are in line and not in line with the ARC guidelines. Where practice is not in line with the guideline you should identify what the participants should be doing differently. You also need to consider best practice evidence for nontechnical skills in emergency situations and using that evidence critique the performance in the video against that evidence again noting what the participants should be doing if demonstrating evidenced based practice. For all the discussion you need to link to the ARC guidelines specifically and identify the research to provide evidence to support your comments.
Subject Name: Health Care
Level: Undergraduate
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