Task: This assessment is based on the HR Practices of an organisation. Choosing an organisation: Here you need to choose an organisation of your choice. Try and attempt to choose a medium to large sized organisation and please check if the organisation has well-defined HR practices. The company website provides tacit knowledge on the HR function so it is important you draw conclusions from the information provided. Organisations taking a strategic approach to HR will have a HR Director as the head for this function. If you choose a family business in your country you may find that your business may or may not have a well-defined HR function but may take an ad-hoc approach to it. This is very challenging to analyse. You still may choose your family business provided you have adequate information that will address all the questions and meet the requirement of the assessment task. You have been asked to address the four factors: How is the organisation trying to improve the performance of its workforce? In this question you must firstly understand the performance management system in the organisation. Sometimes the performance management system is related to the overall strategic objectives of the organisation. Need to look out for this. Identify one performance related initiative such as the performance-based rewards system, or productivity linked bonus scheme or any other that you may think is relevant to the assessment. A well-defined performance management system highlights that the organisation perceives its employees as its assets! How is the organisation trying to improve its culture? In this question you need to understand the culture. Culture is the personality of an organisation that is mostly implied. Please remember HR function is an artefact of culture. A well-defined HR function may contribute towards a good workplace culture. The textbook titled Organizational Culture by Andrew Brown is a good start or Images of Organisation by Gareth Morgan uses metaphors to analyse the culture of an organisation. Culture based initiatives are rituals such as Happy Hour, Recognition for loyal service etc. How is the organisation trying to improve rates of employee engagement? In this question you need to understand strategies the organisation adopts to engage its employees. Employee engagement forms and integral part of workplace productivity. Organisations engage their employees by creating an empowering culture, recognition and rewards program, job enrichment strategies, consultative management style. What recommendations would you have that would enhance those three strategies? In this question you need to make one recommendation that would improve each of three strategies in the above three questions. Your recommendations must be realistic and related to the above strategies that you have addressed. Please follow the format provided in the Assessment Outline. Referencing is very important hence please seek help from ASC in a timely manner. Journal references are important and you need to use them to support your argument or your point of view. Your assessment will be marked against the rubrics provided so please use the rubric as a checklist to complete your assessment task. Try and keep the similarity percentage to the minimum. Assessments must be uploaded via Turnitin. Avoid last minute submissions. Submission of your assessment via email is not encouraged so please manage your time well to submit in a timely manner.
Subject Name: Human resource management
Level: Undergraduate
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