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Focusing on e-commerce with customers both booking tickets and checking in for flights on line


Elite, an airline company was founded in September 2009 and is one of the growing number of low cost airlines in the country of Shine. Elite's strategy is to operate as a low cost, high efficiency airline, and it does this by. *Operating mostly in secondary cities to reduce landing costs. *Using only one type of aircraft in order to reduce maintenance and operational costs. These planes are leased rather than bought outright. *Having only one category of seat class. *Having no pre-allocated seats or in flight entertainment. *Focusing on e-commerce with customers both booking tickets and checking in for flights on line. The airline was given an "on time arrival" ranking of the seventh best by the country's aviation authority, who rank all 50 of the country's airlines based on the number of flights which arrive on time at their destinations. 48 Elite flights were cancelled in 2015 compared to 35 in 2014. This increase was due to an increase in the staff absentee rate at Elite from 3 days per staff member per year to 4.5 days. The average ground turnaround time for airlines in Shine is 50 minutes , meaning that ,on average planes are on the ground for cleaning, refueling, etc. for 50 minutes before departing again. Customer satisfaction surveys have shown that 85% of customers are happy with the standard of cleanliness on Elite's Planes. The number of passengers carried by the airline has grown from 300,00 passengers on a total of 3,428 flights in 2009 to 920,000passengers on 7,650 flights in 2015. Its competitive advantage has been the fact that it offers low ticket prices to passengers. It now faces increased competition. The overall growth of airline has been helped by the limited route licensing policy of the Shine government ,which has given Elite almost monopoly status on some of its routes. However the government is now set to change this policy with almost immediate effect, and it has become more important than ever to monitor performance effectively. The company currently monitors its performance using financial measures. These financial measures have served it well in the past, but the new Board of Directors has suggested that non financial measures may also be used to provide a better indication of overall performance. The Board of directors has suggested the company should consider using the Balanced Score Card for performance measurement Based on the above scenario, you are required to write a report to the Board of Directors of Elite Company. The report should includes a critical evaluation of Balanced scorecard as a performance measurement tool to maximize success and your recommendations . You are required to include the following in your report • Need for designing a balanced score card as a performance measurement • Balanced score card and traditional financial measures • Balanced scorecard application in airline company • Key features of a Balanced Scorecard approach to performance measurement • Contextual frame work -four perspectives used to measure performance • Recommendations- one goal and a performance measure for each perspective of the balanced scorecard which could be used by Elite to measure the company's performance. The goal and measures should be specifically relevant to Elite Company. • Justification for choosing the goal and measures • Review of relevant literature relating to balanced score card implementation and success. • Critical evaluation of balanced score card as a performance measurement tool to maximise success. • Current developments and emerging issues of balanced score card and performance measurement

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