Task: This assessment has two tasks as described below. Task 1: Argument Visualisation In Task 1 you will create a simple argument visualisation using the MindMup software and you will produce a report in Task 2, which details the argument you construct in your argument visualisation. Choose ethics case study on COVID-19 and the Privacy Policy and undertake further research discussing about the ethical issues involved in the case. Identify some logical arguments and construct an argument visualisation using MindMup software. Your visualisation should contain the conclusion, and all of the reasons and objections leading to that conclusion. Task 2:Applying Ethical Theories Write a report based on your argument visualisation created in Task 1 and the media article or case study you selected in Task 1. Analyse the ethical issue applying the classical ethical theories, including utilitarianism, deontology, contract, and virtue. Your report should present well-reasoned arguments, logically leading to appropriate recommendations.
Subject Name: IT Management
Level: Undergraduate
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