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Estimate the market model for your portfolio. What are the alpha of your portfolio and the appraisal


Retrieve the data and submit the Excel file with the data by e-mail. To check if you are retrieving the right things, on January 23, 2017 (which is outside of the sample period you need) S&P 500 closed at 2,265.20, and the 3-month Treasury bill yield stood at 0.51% per year. (10 points) ii. Estimate the market model for your portfolio. What are the alpha of your portfolio and the appraisal ratio? Provide the economic interpretation of the two ratios. (10 points) iii. Compare the performance of your portfolio with historical performance of Fidelity Freedom 2030 fund using the alpha and the appraisal ratio (You can use the alpha and the appraisal ratio of Fidelity Freedom we calculated in class). (10 points) iv. Is your portfolio significantly riskier than Fidelity Freedom (assume that the beta of Fidelity Freedom 2030 is constant, i.e. it is just a number)? Is it more actively managed (look at R-squares)? (10 points) v. Compute and interpret the M2 measure and the Treynor ratio for your portfolio. (10 points)

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