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Discuss the nature ,main components of each statement of the annual report of the compony


choose any 2 business types that should be international level -choose a company to represent each business type -refer to the latest annual reports of the 2 companies (should be same year and scope) -refer to the companies's websites and websites and general information as well In the introduction define each business types of your selection -outline general difference and similarities between the two business types. -explain why we should conduct the comparison between the two business types -explain why you chose the 2 selected companies for each section 2 or 3 describe the nature of the business ( scope of business, main products/services,organizational structure, market share in the industry) -analyze the typical transaction records of the compony (for example for retail: HOW THEY RECORD INVENTORIES AND COGS . FOR MANUFACTURING :HOW THEY RECORD RM,WIP,FG INVENTORIES ,HOW THEY MANAGE DIRECT COSTS AND INDIRECT COSTS. FOR SERVICE:HOW THEY RECOGNISE SERVICE REVENUE .OTHER ISSUES AS WELL. - Discuss the nature ,main components of each statement of the annual report of the compony -Outline how the compony manage its disclosure in the note of the annual report in the compony's websites, in the compony's general share holder meetings, and in other media and public relationship management channels. In the 4 section discuss the similarities and differences between the two companies based on what you have done in section 2 or 3. and last one in conclusion summary of 3-4 main findings that you think they are important to your report -DO you think 1 business types is more important than the other or not? explain your opinion -are there any advantages and disadvantages that you have encountered when doing the comparison between the two companies ? -any other issues that you have learned after doing the comparison between the two companies And also read the attachment

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