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Discuss changes in the focus of management accounting practices


With reference to the above statement, conduct a literature review, and write a report to discuss changes in the focus of management accounting practices that have occurred since the beginning of the twenty-first century in Australia. To achieve this task, you are required to: review a range of sources, including books, peer reviewed articles (at least 8-10 articles), and online sources such as the annual reports; summarise the literature relating to modern management accounting practices in resource management; provide some examples of management accounting practices from the Annual Reports of the firms currently operating in Australia Note: Resources for the task 1 must be obtained from the MIT library databases e.g. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Business Source Complete etc. In your report you may include the following sections 1. Introduction 2. Literature review 3. Critically analyse changes in the focus of management accounting function 4. Practical examples 5. Appendices (a copy of articles reviewed) 6. References

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