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DECISION-MAKING IN THE SHAREMARKET. Please read attachments for the assignment instruction, it will be on Amcor Limited share starting from 1/8/2016 to 7/10/2016. Then do a comparison between Amcor Limited and Plastipak. as per giving instructions. Read the Share Market Assignment file carefully with Report Template file in the attachment.We need the full report without any missing information and please complete Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. - The main information about Amcor Limited - The main information about the comparing company Plastipak The report should include the following items: Table of Contents 1. Introduction: 1.1 Depicting the aim and purpose of the report: 1.2 Describing the scope and limitations: 1.3 Depicting the methodology: 1.4 Depicting reason for choosing the company and relative information that is been known regarding the company: 2. Finding and analysis: 2.1 Part 2 –Depicting Company graph, research and investor information (A) Stating the description of Rio Tinto LTD: (B) Depicting the data in table and graph form of Rio Tinto and ASX: (C) Depicting the overall share price performance of Rio Tinto and ASX for the determined tracing period: (D) Depicting the Gain or Loss made on the portfolio: (E) Recommending whether to buy or sell shares: 2.2 Part 3 – Identification of Key financial data and ratio analysis (A) Identifying key financial data: (B) Ratio analysis: 3. Conclusion: Reference: Appendices: please see attachments for more details

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