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Data Security Assignment: Privacy Issues In It Field

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naire for 25 employees of Information Technology Company Q1. How far do you agree with the fact that issues of data security will affect the company? Options Response Frequency No. of Respondents Total No. of Respondents Strongly Agree 42% 10 25 Agree 32% 8 25 Neutral 24% 4 25 Disagree 5% 2 25 Strongly Disagree 1% 1 25 Table 2: Issues of data security affects the company (Source: Created by self) Q2. How far do you agree that following issues affect data security most? Options Response Frequency No. of Respondents Total No. of Respondents Not secured network 38% 9 25 Using without VPN 32% 8 25 Using public computers 24% 6 25 Others 6% 2 25 Table 3: Issues affects data security by most ( Source: Created by self) 4.2 Qualitative Research Interview questionnaire for the General Manager of an IT company What are the challenges of data confidentiality that are faced in IT industries companies? “The challenges are faced that sometimes without knowing the proper process people access the system and there will be chances of many secured data getting public. Sometimes people breaches many protected information whether intentionally or unintentionally.” 3.7 Research Contribution This study developed within this data security assignment will generate the data, the software, the strategies, and the systems which are used by the multinational companies to keep the data secured in the field of Information Technology. This study will be used as an expected outcome for the value of confidential data. The study will discuss the reasons why the data in the IT companies are kept with security. The possible risks and challenges and the effects will be taken associated with security data issues in this research paper on data security assignment. Proposed Time Schedule Activities during research 1 st Week 2 nd Week 3 rd Week 4 th Week 5 th Week 6 th Week 7 th Week Selection of research topic ü Composition of the literature review ü Methodology followed in the research ü Collection of primary data for the research ü ü Data analysis and interpretation ü ü Findings ü Conclusion and Recommendation for the research study ü Final submission of the research report ü Table 1: Gantt chart References Chandrashekhar, A. M., Revapgol, J., & Pattanashetti, V. (2016). Big Data Security Issues in Networking. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJSRSET), 2(1). 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Subject Name: Information Technology

Level: Undergraduate

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