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Critical Discussion on AHRI model of excellence

BAE Admin

Task: The Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) is the national association representing human resource andpeople management professionals. AHRI have over 20,000 members throughout the world and provide educationand training services in HR and people management and business skills. AHRI also organises world-classconferences which bring HR practitioners together and holds seminars and networking opportunities all overAustralia. AHRI also sets standards through accreditation of HR qualifications at universities across Australia(including LaTrobe’s HR degree), conducts research into people management practices, and assists governments inthe development of policy and legislation that affects people at work. AHRI have released a ‘Model of Excellence’, which explains the capabilities and behaviours of an ‘excellent HRmanager’. This model provides a conceptual basis for the accreditation of HR practitioners and training offered byAHRI and universities. The model identifies 7 capabilities that are essential for HR practitioners. These capabilitiesare being: Business driven; A strategic architect; An expert practitioner; An ethical and credible activist; A workforce and workplace designer; A cultural and change leader; and A stakeholder mentor and coach. In this assignment, you are to select three (3) of these capabilities and address the following (in your own words, withreferencing as required): What does this capability entail? Why would it be important for a Human Resource Manager to have this capability? Assume you are applying for a graduate HR position, and demonstrating this capability is one of the key selectioncriteria. What evidence could you provide to demonstrate you possess this capability? Draw upon your ownexperiences, whether it be your work, university life, home life, volunteering or sporting experiences. I want to talk about business driven, strategy architect and expert practitioner.

Subject Name: Human resource management

Level: Postgraduate

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