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Concept of investment risk explained, risk profile discussed light of the client’s responses to the

All relevant documents has been uploaded. PLEASE GO THROUGH ASSIGNMENT DETAILS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THIS ASSIGNMENT. I have highlighted all important parts in assignment details so please pay more attention. As per the assignment details follow the following directive.

Assessment of client goals and objectives Appropriate recommendation to meet Goals and objectives. Risk profile assessed appropriately. Concept of investment risk explained, risk profile discussed light of the client’s responses to the profile questions. Product recommendation and expiation. Analysis of RUSSELL AND VANGUARD FUNDS. Explanation of gearing and appropriateness to clients. Preparation and use of MONEYSMART calculator to support recommendations. PDS for Russell and Vanguard Funds has been uploaded for comparison and recommendation.

Please go through them. Also it is essential that Money Smart calculator is used as per the assignment requirement. Overall if there is any confusion do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.

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