s: How cloud computing is influencing the efficiency of the business? How cloud computing enhances the revenue of the company? How cloud computing can improve the productivity of the company? How cloud computing can enhance knowledge and information management in company? Justification and potential output of research By the review of a variety of editorials, it can be analyzed that authors have been paying attention on the influence of cloud computing on the business in terms of their productivity and efficiencies. This study will be helpful in analyzing the significant impact of cloud computing process on the business operations of the organization. In addition to this, the study will be useful in understanding the effect of cloud computing in terms of productivity, efficiency, and safety of the businesses. Basically, the research will give an improved standpoint of impact of cloud computing on businesses. By evaluation of a variety of articles, it can be said that cloud computing is popular among the organizations for achieving competitive advantage. All the research questions acknowledged in the study will be responded on the basis of data gathering, investigation and results. Moreover, the outcome of the study will be taken as useful academic work for this research dilemma in future. This study will also be helpful for end clients. Potential research output- The possible conclusions of the research would make known the impact of cloud computing at the different levels of business operations. In addition to this, the research would also be helpful in understanding relationship between cloud computing and business operations in the positive manner. Further, the study would also be beneficial in understanding the levels where cloud computing is essential to implement. Conceptual framework Meaning of cloud computing is to accumulate and get right to use of data and program by the internet as an alternative of accessing that from the computer drive. According to US National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST), cloud computing is the model which is used to allow suitable and on-demand system admittance to the communal group of computing assets which are configurable (Kepes, 2011). These assets comprise storage, applications, systems, servers, and services which can be given on requirement. These resources can be provided with very little effort or service provider interactions. Further, there are five key uniqueness of cloud computing including on-demand self service, swift flexibility, extensive system admittance, resource pooling and precise service (Zhang, Cheng & Boutaba, 2010). Swift flexibility- This can be considered as vibrant resource provisioning and scalability. This is very important characteristic of cloud computing as it allow the clients to make use of the resources on the basis of requirements. This is allowed by the ability of cloud to reduce in size and get bigger on the basis of need. On-demand self service- This feature of cloud computing which is known as self-organizing. By this, clients unilaterally get access of computer resources i.e. applications, network storage, and server as required. This allows the clients to manage the resources on the basis of their needs. In addition to this, the feature of automated resource management is helpful for service suppliers to respond to quick transforms in service requirement effectively. Extensive system admittance - Cloud computing services can be used by using any systems connected to the internet as it provides as service deliverance method. The devices to use cloud services can be any device i.e. table, mobile phone, personal computer, laptop, or a workstation (Jain & Bhardwaj, 2010). Precise pooling- Computing assets are allocated and reallocated on the basis of requirement. The computing resources can be pooled to serve various customers at the same time. The resources i.e. storage, memory, bandwidth and processing power etc. can be used by other clients at the same time. Measured service- The pricing model of cloud computing is can be used in make use of electrical energy. Clouding computing uses pay per use model with the value plan on the basis of service which are distributed and used. In addition to this, the usage of resources can be controlled, observed, and reported which give clearness both the service provider and client of used services (Low, Chen, & Wu, 2011). Service layers: There are three service levels in cloud computing which are structured in hierarchy. Those layers are application level, platform level, and infrastructure level. This includes Software as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service and Platform as a Service. Further, infrastructure level provides the support by which the services can be distributed (Marston, Li, Bandyopadhyay, Zhang, & Ghalsasi, 2011). Hypothesis development There is following hypothesis for the research: H0- There is no positive impacts of cloud computing on productivity and efficiency of business H1- There are significant impacts of cloud computing on productivity and efficiency of business Methodology Research approach and source of data For this study, quantitative research methodology will be used. In the study plan, data collection will be the most important part so it is necessary to choose appropriate method for the process of data collection. For conducting the research in proper manner, it is crucial to identify the organizations that are using cloud computing in their business operations. So, the data will be collected from various public and private organizations. For this manner, questionnaire will be used for the data collection (Zikmund, 2010). The questionnaire will include the questions related to the use of cloud computing and its impact in terms of productivity. The consistency of the questionnaire would be evaluated by the re-test and its authority would be analyzed by checking content legitimacy. After making the objectives clear to the respondents, any of them can quit from the research process if he wants. Data collection and analysis technique Population and sampling: The sample size for the research is staff members of private sector organizations that are using cloud computing in their business operations. Around 200 people from 10 organizations would be selected as the sample size for the study. Variable: The key aim of the study is to analyze the significant impact of cloud computing on the organizations while implementing this in the business operations. The study would be conducted based on quantitative research. For conducting quantitative analysis, questionnaire method would be used including the questions of related to productivity and efficiency of cloud computing. Organization of the study This particular study will have following structure: Chapter one will include research proposal as given in the assignment, Description of cloud computing and its different use in the business operations by the organizations will be included as chapter two, In chapter three, there would be the description of methodology including literature review, survey method, data collection method and method related to data analysis, In chapter four, there will be the detail of result and argument of the proposed research, and At last, chapter five will comprise the synopsis of important findings regarding potential impact cloud computing on productivity and efficiency of the business. Project Budget In order to complete this research within the set timeframe, budget of $5000 would be required. The set timeframe for completion of the research would be mentioned in Gantt chart. The justification of the required budget is as follows: Taking on literature review will require the use of many literatures including textbooks, journal articles and some of online sources which are not free of cost. So, this would require around $1000, Purchasing of data from various secondary sources would require of amount $3000, and For the structuring and data analysis, there will be the need of $1000. Activities Required amount Amount for literature review $1000 Data from secondary sources $3000 Structuring and data analysis $1000 Total Budget $5000 Project activities Task Activity Duration Start End Topic Selection and its scope 5 days 01/10/18 05/10/18 Identification of secondary data source and preparing literature review 8 days 05/10/18 13/10/18 Preparing research proposal 7 days 13/10/18 20/10/18 Description of research methodology 10 days 20/10/18 30/10/18 Preparing questionnaire form 2 days 30/10/18 01/11/2018 Gathering primary data 6 days 01/11/2018 06/11/2018 Analysis of data 7 days 06/11/2018 13/11/2018 Submission of first report 0 days 13/11/2018 13/11/2018 Analyzing findings 22 days 14/11/18 06/12/19 Collecting feedback 15 days 06/12/19 21/12/18 Preparing final report 15 days 21/12/18 05/01/19 Final submission 0 days 05/01/19 05/01/19 Gantt chart Conclusion So, this cloud computing assignment is about the research topic ‘impact of cloud computing on productivity and efficiency of businesses’. Cloud computing is the particular type of dispersed computing which utilizes the form to remote provision scalable and precise resources. The key aim of this cloud computing assignment is to find out the impact of cloud computing on the business in terms of productivity and efficiency. In the research project, data collection will be the most important part so it is necessary to choose appropriate method for the process of data collection. For this manner, questionnaire will be used for the data compilation. The survey of this cloud computing assignment will include the questions associated to the utilization of cloud computing and its impact in terms of productivity. Cloud computing assignments are being prepared by our information technology homework help experts from top universities which let us to provide you a reliable help with assignment service. References Jain, L., & Bhardwaj, S., 2010. Enterprise cloud computing: Key considerations for adoption. International Journal of Engineering and Information Technology, 2 (2), 113-117 Kepes, B., 2011. Moving Applications to the Cloud. Cloud Computing Bible, 9-13Low, C., Chen, Y., and Wu, M., 2011. Understanding the determinants of cloud computing adoption. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 111 (7), 1006-1023 Marston, S., Li, Z., Bandyopadhyay, S., Zhang, J., and Ghalsasi, A., 2011. Cloud computing —the business perspective. Decision Support Systems, 51 (1), 176-189 Saedi, A. 2013. An Integrated Theoretical Framework for Cloud Computing Adoption by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (Online), Available from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/4d32/8339412a91b97afff25b272c6d0401ff60c7.pdf (Accessed on 29th September 2018) Sultan, N., 2010. Cloud computing for education: A new dawn? International Journal of Information Management, 30 (2), 109-116 Wu, W.-W., Lan, L. W., and Lee, Y.-T., 2011. Exploring decisive factors affecting an organization's saas adoption: A case study. International Journal of Information Management, 1-8 Zhang, Q., Cheng, L., & Boutaba, R., 2010. Cloud computing: state-of-the-art and research challenges. Journal of internet services and applications, 1(1), 7-18 Zikmund, W. G., 2010. Business research methods, (7th), Mason, Ohio: South-Western/Cengage Learning
Subject Name: IT Management
Level: Undergraduate
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