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Cash Cycle can be a little confusing and some text books use different methodologies


. The Cash Cycle can be a little confusing and some text books use different methodologies for calculating the three elements of the Cash Cycle. For your convenience the formulas are a) Inventory being Current Inventory / Operating Revenue * 365 = ???? b) Accounts Receivables being Debtors / Operating Revenue * 365 = ???? c) Accounts Payables being Creditors / Operating Revenue * 365 = ??? Note that you still need to work out the cash cycle from these calculations. 2. For the net profit margin ratio use Net profit after tax before abnormals as the numerator. 3. You can put calculations in an appendix if you wish. These do not count in word count. Make sure of course that your final ratio answers form part of you main report. 4. The report can be shaped as you wish keeping in mind the comments from the assessment task being – ‘since your boss is a busy person and has little time to read lengthy reports, your submission for this task preferably should not exceed 1,000 words. Structure your submission as a very short report that excludes title and contents pages. Ensure you fully reference any non-text book or non DatAnalysis sources of data and information you use in this assessment. 5. This is a Turnitin assessment so while we acknowledge that some Turnitin score will relate to the cover page and calculations which may be common to some other students you need to take due care with the actual original (yours) commentary of the report. This includes putting into your own words some theoretical discussion of the ratios which you may originally derive from the text book. If concerned then by all means use Harvard referencing. 6. Use the Discussion Board forum to raise any issues you may have with this assessment. This method ensures that students and tutors can get an idea of any questions that students may have. Try not to publish answers to your assessment if at all possible. 7. Note that your assessment will not be marked if you do not do your allocated companies and in the order they are given to you.

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