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Areas of Loss Itemized list cause of condition your analysis of why it happened


Read the case and write a paper following these steps Background This section includes the background analysis of case facts. The background section should generally be about two paragraphs. It should state very succinctly why the fraud examination was conducted Areas Examined This section should consist of just one paragraph explaining what the scope of the fraud examination was: We examined the financial records and related documents of the individual and the suspect during the period _______ through _______ in order to determine (Articulation of the central question in the case) Findings of the Investigation One-line conclusion of what happened.

Areas of Loss Itemized List Cause of Condition Your analysis of why it happened. This is not the internal control report, but is a summary of the salient conditions. Effect of Condition Your analysis: Something like: The conditions stated in the finding above allowed these irregularities to occur and not be detected by anyone in a timely manner. Summary of Conclusions Summarize the case and give conclusions Recommendations Give recommendations based on the analysis

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