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Achieve the following Learning Unit Outcomes (ULOs) and the Course Learning Outcome (CLO)


Objectives of the Assignment:

There are two objectives for this assignment. The first objective is to assist you achieve the following Learning Unit Outcomes (ULOs) and the Course Learning Outcome (CLO) of the Masters of Practicing/Professional Accounting degree. The assignment marking rubric attached to this document explains how your achievement of these ULOs, and CLO will be assessed. ULO 4. Apply dominant theoretical perspectives in accounting research to explain and interpret the selection and application of specific accounting rules, principles, practices and processes by preparers of accounting information. ULO 5. Prescribe and/or predict market reactions and possible behavioral responses of users of accounting information to the release of accounting information using various theoretical perspectives. 5 CL06.

Apply knowledge of research principles and methods to plan and execute a piece of research with some independence as preparation for research higher degrees. The second objective of this assignment is to assist you develop effective written communication skills, analysis skills and the ability to work independently. Research with employers consistently shows that communication skills is the main priority of employers when recruiting graduates in business, including accounting. In the 2015 Graduate Outlook Report published by Graduate Careers Australia, 58.3 per cent of graduate employers ranked ‘communication skills’ in their three top key selection criteria.

Due to its importance, The Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) included Communication Skills as one of the five threshold learning outcomes for accounting graduates. The ALTC recommends that a graduate of a Master degree in accounting should be able to “justify and communicate accounting advice and ideas in complex collaborative contexts involving both accountants and non-accountants”. The assignment marking rubric is designed to assess your written communication skills as outlined in the ALTC threshold learning outcome stated above.

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