11: Storage: The most important function performed by accounting system servers is the storage of relevant data relating to entity’s financial activities. Processing: The second vital function of accounting system servers is to accurately record and process the data so as to extract useful accounting and financial information from it for the users. Information supply: Another vital function performed by accounting system servers is to provide necessary information to the users of such systems so that they can undertake effective decision-making in regards to their business. References: AccountingEdu.org, n.d. What are Accounting Information Systems? Available at: https://www.accountingedu.org/accounting-information-systems.html> Accessed on 25-01-2018. Hall, J.A., 2012. Accounting information systems. Cengage Learning. Lim, F.C., 2013. Impact of Information Technology on Accounting Systems. Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology, 3(2), pp. 93-106. Onaolapo, A.A. and Odetayo, T.A., 2012. Effect of Accounting Information System on Organisational Effectiveness: A Case Study of Selected Construction Companies in Ibadan, Nigeria. American Journal of Business and Management, 1(4), pp.183-189. Roska, V. and Bubic, J., n.d. Accounting Information Systems for Management Decisions: Empirical Research In Croatia (a). Available at : Accessed on 25-01-2018. Sajady, H., Dastgir, M. and Nejad, H.H., 2008. Evaluation of the effectiveness of accounting information systems. International journal of information science and technology, 6(2). Salehi, M., Rostami, V. and Mogadam, A., 2010. Usefulness of accounting information system in emerging economy: Empirical evidence of Iran. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2(2), p.186. Soudani, S.N., 2012. The usefulness of an accounting information system for effective organizational performance. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 4(5), p.136.
Subject Name: Information System
Level: Undergraduate
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