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3-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Draft Current State Assessment


Review the scenario on Third Star Financial Services provided in the Final Project Document.

Evaluate the current state of data management for the organization. Include the following critical elements:

  • Current Architecture: Provide an evaluation of the current tools and data management components in comparison to the DAMA-DMBOK.

  • Current Technology, Tools and Components:

  • a)What components of standard enterprise data management does Third Star have currently that are not performing at a level to support the needs of the company? b)What components of standard enterprise data management does Third Star not have? Be sure to reference the DAMA-DMBOK in your evaluation and consideration.

  • Operational Impact: How does the current state of enterprise data management affect the operations of Third Star Financial Services?

  • a)Provide well-supported explanations of the impact on operations. b)Account for current, future, and past operational limitations the state of enterprise management has on the company.

The feedback obtained must be incorporated into your final project. For additional details, please refer to the Milestone Two Rubric document and the Final Project Document.

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